Are you aggravated with house training your English Bulldog Puppies? Potty training bulldogs can be a formidable task; however steady perseverance will pay off. In this article you will learn some valuable resources for house training your new bully in the fastest time possible.
It is important not to send mixed signals while training your dog. With the vast variety of training methods, it is also imperative to make sure that your bully is getting enough exercise and recreation. But don’t overdue it! Bullies are known to over exert themselves and then have difficulty breathing.
English Bulldogs need to be housebroken. In order to accomplish this you will need a lot of time, effort and patience. They will urinate and defecate in the house. This behavior is normal, especially for the young bully. If this happens do not scold them. Immediately grab the leash and take them outside. If they go to the bathroom outside reward them with a small doggy treat. This way they will associate going to the bathroom outside with a yummy treat. Again, DO NOT hit, yell, or scold the bully for having an accident. Remember, he/she is still a baby. If you scold the bully for peeing while inside and reward him for peeing outside you will end up with a confused bulldog.
Make a regular schedule to take the bully outside to go to the bathroom and exercise. Your bulldog will quickly learn the schedule and may even come and get you if they need to go. Keeping a schedule sends the message to your bully that you will take them out regularly. Usually, they will hold it until its time. Don’t test the limits thought. Take them out often and as they get use to using the facilities outside they will have less frequent accidents.
Remember; don’t send your bully mixed messages. They don’t reason the way we do. Think of them as a 2 year-old child. Take them out regularly. They will learn that we go to the bathroom outside. I hope this helps. Keep reading for more tips.